across the galaxies, there are varying levels of technology. some planets are about where earth is in the 2000s, some are far behind, but the majority are very advanced. most menial labor in the earth federation has been automated to a certain degree, and most galaxies have an interconnected network much like the internet where people can communicate across wide distances quickly and reliably. jobs like cooks, dentists, doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc., still exist, but have been transformed by tools that have made the processes speedier and more accessible.
despite using faster-than-lightspeed technology, most people call the caerulus "lightspeed gates." the caerulus (a name popularized by humanity) are a network of relics from an ancient super-civilization, used as jumping points to travel across the entire universe in a matter of minutes. to this day, despite studying them for lifetimes, no one has been able to replicate the technology, so the warp gates are in fixed locations.
while traveling long distances is easy and relatively accessible, getting to dock in certain isolationist planets is nigh impossible, while others have strict filters and red tape to cross to get the right permits for long-term stay, much less residency. commerce and trade between different planets and galaxies is commonplace, but certain goods are hard to obtain, leading to a discreet black market planting its roots everywhere. these factors, combined with the steep cost of having your own lightspeed-ready spaceship, mean that in certain corners of the universe, some communities rarely leave their planets.
clones & ai.
the means to clone living beings exists, but has been completely forbidden by the earth federation – considered both a taboo following numerous scandals from centuries ago. likewise, unshackled and sentient ai are strictly forbidden due to their potential risk and danger to humanity. possessing or studying either of these topics is heavily punished by earth federation law; however, rumors say that certain powerful corporations and unscrupulous scientists explore these topics in the shadows.
every corner of the universe has their own style of clothing, using different patterns, materials, and markings. it's the same with weaponry – some are deft with bladed weapons, others prefer laser guns, and each has their strengths and flaws in combat. few planets boast superior military might over others, and most large-scale conflicts are kept in check by the intergalaxy peace organization working in tandem with the governments of different planets. despite originating from the heavily militaristic and oppressive earth federation military force, it has transformed over the centuries as other space-faring species joined it.
when it comes to space warfare, the most common means are large spacecrafts armed with a multitude of weaponry, as well as smaller, faster vessels. giant humanoid mechanisms capable of warring in different kinds of environment exist, but are far rarer, and the capability to pilot them is just as rare.