the greater universe

- galaxy: rabend'a system
- most of the planet's surface covered by water, but there are various landmasses scattered across its oceans, with a range of geography that help sustain life on the planet.
- the native peoples of this planet have evolved to live life either on or under the ocean. most have aquatic traits of some kind.
- the underwater biodomes are a popular tourist destination, though the beach resorts aren't shabby either.

- galaxy: patito system
- once a mountainous planet rich in resources, mining and exploitation left have égeu mostly uninhabitable.
- the only places humanoids can safely inhabit are the biodomes in the cities surrounding the equator.
- there is enormous resentment by the people of égeu towards outside corporations and these companies and their employees are not welcome in the biodomes.
- the crista (a humanoid species indigenous to égeu) make up 97% of the remaining population.

image © phonoforest
- galaxy: rabend'a system
- a garden planet with a wide range of geological features and three major continents—agnj, mah, and heru.
- the t'ryéren are the indigenous sentients of this planet and make up the largest portion of the population.
- the cities either built in harmony with the existing landscapes, or using architecture that supports the flora and fauna nearby.
- outsiders are not welcome, but in rare circumstances, immigrants and refugees are naturalized. therefore, a variety of races occupy ku'kúa, enjoying many traditions and cultures.
- anyone who occupies the planet for more than a month will become the host to a symbiotic lifeform known as alè.

image © patrick faulwetter
- galaxy: rabend'a system
- a "garden" planet (previously uninhabited) which was settled by female space pirates.
- the port is not peaceful, as feuds commonly crop up between the pirate queens. conflict is settled by one-on-one duels, though lasers are usually set to stun.
- the planet is off-limits to all male entities.
- boys born to the pirates of shebj'ko are allowed to be raised to adulthood, but upon coming of age, they are and sent away, never to return.
solandra galaxy
- solandra is renowned for its abundance of lush biodiverse planets, which are highly sought after by other civilizations for their unique flora and natural healing properties that are not easily found in other galaxies.
- flora mining corps have taken their claim in the uncharted exoplanets of the solandra, extracting precious resources that drives their economy and fosters cultural exchange.

the murjek rift
- one of the furthest colonized points on the outer edges of society, murjek rift boasts only a single station, originally intended only as a small research center to study the rift itself and the unique phenomena centered around it.
- isolated enough to have very limited political power and reach, the station itself has become something of a haven for those trying to escape the majority of society for whatever reason.
- the station itself is a conglomerate mess of metal that has been adjusted and added and built onto, sometimes even using old spaceship parts to help create the extensions.
- the population has grown exponentially since the original station was built, requiring the additional construction that has led to the station's unique layout and design.

image © jake moon
phoibos space station
- galaxy: yón system
- governed by emperor buné chroí (father of 12 legitimate children and many, many others).
- the most powerful denizens of the ylas system settled here after the supernova.
- the space station is hierarchical, with the royalty and aristocracy inhabiting in the top levels and the common folk living at the bottom.
- military service is mandatory for the lower classes. rising through the military ranks is a good way to establish political relevance for the lower classes.
- the highest demographic are the tósu (a people once indigenous to ylas). other sentient groups are equally represented, but they are treated as secondclass citizens.

symposio space station
- galaxy: bala system
- more a university campus than a residential or commerical space.
- various schools, universities, and educational institutions can be found here, ranging from primary age boarding schools to graduate degree programs and more.
- though there is some student and faculty housing, most simply access the station from a nearby lightspeed port, making life as a day student reasonable.
- online programs and certifications are also offered at a premium.

image © john berki
synoseur space station
- galaxy: yón system
- a suburb of a space station.
- this is where everyone else (who had the resources to escape) wound up after ylas was destroyed.
- tensions exist phoibos and synoseur, as synoseur understandably begrudges the royalty of phoibos and refuses to swear alliegance to the family that left them behind.
- home of synoseurian noise rock (a.k.a. punk rock; everyone wants out of this town).
- there is no hierarchy among the races of synoseur, but as the tósu are most prevalent, they tend to account for a majority of the station's democractic council.

thraix space station
- galaxy: patito system
- an upscale, mostly residential station.
- has some of the best boarding schools in the known universe—a convenient place for the affluent to stow their children during the school year.
- though thraix exists in the same system as égeu, the population is mostly humans and other races than the crista.
- a number of mining higher ups keep an apartment here, to make travel to égeu more convenient and comfortable.
- the people of égeu are not friendly towards anyone from thraix.